The 5 Love Languages for an Amazing Engagement Session \\ Miami Engagement Photographer

I know we have all heard of the 5 Love Languages. If not, let me provide you with a brief rundown.

The 5 Love Languages are:

  • Words of Affirmation

  • Acts of Service

  • Receiving/Giving Gifts

  • Quality Time

  • Physical Touch

Combined, they define how your partner would like to be loved. It allows you to tap into their inner self and discover what language your partner values over the other to best love them and vice versa. THUS, building a stronger and deeper bond.

You might be wondering to yourself. Now, what does that have to do with my upcoming engagement session.



Here are the 5 love languages for an amazing engagement session:

  1. Be on Time.

Although we may have a two-hour session, it is essential to arrive on time, so we don’t feel rushed, and most importantly, so you don’t feel rushed. Your session is a time where you should be feeling your best and taking it easy, so if you’re on time, which will leave enough time for you and your team to capture every single moment and leaves room for error.

2. Be Authentic.

Your session is the love that you and your partner share! During your session, staying true to who you and your partner are, makes for a great session experience. There are times that I have worked with couples where they were so focused on making sure they looked like what they see on the cover of a magazine or what they have pulled as inspiration for their session. While you may have an inspiration for your session, remember that no two sessions look alike, so be authentic to who you and your partner are. Trying to do anything beyond that creates anxiety. Loosen up and get into the groove! When one partner lets their guard down, it allows the other partner to let go, too, making it easier for your photographer/videographer to capture those tiny moments.

3. Be Prepared.

I cannot stress this enough.

In my Scar voice, “BE PREPARED!”

I suggest creating a Don’t Forget list for the day of your session. This list will include everything you need to make sure you don’t forget. LOL, pretty self-explanatory.

This list should include:

  • Props: Any props or items you want to include in your session, have them packed and ready to go the night before.

  • Hair: Ladies! Test that hairstyle out. Make sure it’s ready for the day’s activities. If you are doing your hair the day of your session, be sure to schedule enough time between your hair appointment and your session so you’re not running behind. I honestly suggest doing your hair the night before and getting it touched up and styled the day of, if possible, of course. For those of your doing your hair, again, I say, test that hairstyle out! You don’t want to be disappointed if the intended hairstyle doesn’t come out the way you wanted it to the day of your session.

Fellas, I didn’t forget about you. I, too, have short hair. So, I understand the joy and pains of getting to the barbershop. I usually like a fresh cut when I take pictures, so I suggest booking an appointment on the day of your session. If not, the day before works too!

  • Make-up: Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee, please book your make-up artist in advance and the day before and morning of confirming their arrival time. It is vital to keep them on track so that you can stay on track and be on time!

  • Clothing: Make sure all outfits, picked out, pressed, and packed up for easy transportation.

  • Lotion: Yes, lotion. People forget sometimes. I know I do. So, include that on your list to pack for your session.

Note: Photoshop does not fix everything. Well, it can! The point here is to make our post-production as seamless as possible. So, iron those clothes and lotion those elbows.


4. Coordinate. Coordinate. Coordinate.

This has everything to do with the outfits you and your partner plan to wear during your session. People, I cannot stress this point enough, the pickier or more fashionably partner should pick their look first, then coordinate with your partner.

Start with picking out your color scheme. The color scheme will help guide your shopping experience, so you know what to shop for. If you’re one of my lovely readers, you may have seen this mentioned somewhere before, but the easiest way I’ve found to do this is by using Canva’s Color Wheel. It allows you to choose a color, select a color combination, and generate colors that complement each other.

Canva has several color combinations options, such as,

  • Complementary, two colors that are on opposite sides of the color wheel.

  • Monochromatic, which is three shades, tones, and tints of a base color.

  • Analogous, three colors that are side by side on the color wheel.

  • Triadic, three colors that are evenly spaced on the color wheel.

  • Tetradic, four colors that are evenly spaced on the color wheel.

  5. Have Fun!

If you’re not having fun, then it will show! So have fun, laugh, truly enjoy yourself during your session.

I hope learning the 5 love languages for an amazing engagement session will help you better prepare for your next session and helps you to create images that you will love for years to come.


Nine One Four Photography + Film is a Photography + Videography company based in South Florida.

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